Saturday, July 29, 2006

Update Tsunami Donations 29-7

Another 100 Euro from Mrs. Brigit Loosen, used to distribute rice under the refugees.

Thanks a lot again,
Peter & family

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Pangandaran Tsunami Donation news 26-7

Two more donations: From Mrs Martina Loosen and Mrs Liesel Schink. Each for 50 Euro so we can buy and distribute another 200 kg of rice again.
Many thanks for your donation and sympathy,
Peter & Pangandaran family

Monday, July 24, 2006

first donation 24-7-06

The first donation (Euro 100 )from Mrs B. Loosen, Germany will be used to distribute rice (ca 200 kg) under the refugees.
Thanks a lot,

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Pangandaran Tsunami donation possibilities 24-07-2006

Seorang korban yang mengalami luka-luka di kaki mendapat pengobatan dari para relawan/ a tsunami victim is receiving medical aid for his injured legs.

If you want to help us to help our neighbours and other citizens of Pangandaran, please sent an e-mail over this blog or to
We are gratefull for any kind of help!!

Bank info:

Name:Peter IJsseling
Address: Kopo Permai III F22/13
City / Country: Bandung / Indonesien

Bank: Bank Internasional Indonesia
Address:Jalan Kopo Sayati, Bandung

City / Country: Bandung / Indonesien
Account number: 1-069-112343

There is no IBAN-number in Indonesia. please use full name to avoid delay or rejection.

Warm personal regards,

Pangandaran Tsunami help from Banda Aceh 23-07-2006

Water Treatment Plant Mobile from ITB (Institute Technology of Bandung)

Dr Marzuki from Permata Hati Hospital Banda Aceh, Sumatera, visited our family in Babakan Pangandaran.

from Kadarsyah:

Sunday, July 23, 2006
REPORT NO. 52: Helps Pangandaran Tsunami Victims

On July 17, 2006, earthquake and tsunami hit south coast of Java, total casualities: more than 500 people. Stichting ONS, Holland and Permata Hati Hospital, Banda Aceh supported Water Treatment Plant Mobile from ITB (Institute Technology of Bandung) to produce clean water for 7,000 people by giving first run operation cost (US$ 1,100) and sending drugs (antibiotics, wound dressing and others) in Pangandaran, West Java, Indonesia.

Clean water distributes to the victims via water tank trucks from local water supply company and others NGO such as Oxfam (Photos: July 18, 2006, Day-2). Thank you for your kind support and sympathy.
posted by kadarsyah at 5:55 AM

See also:

Dear Dr Kadarsyah and Dr Marzuki : Thanks for your sympathy and help!!